Transform your preschooler into a confident reader in just 15 minutes a day ...even if you've never taught before!

You CAN give your child a head start to success and empower them with a lifelong love of reading...NO stress, JUST results!


This one-of-a-kind program includes ALL the videos AND resources you need to unlock your child's reading potential...

...NO education degree required!


Does this sound like you?

  • You feel overwhelmed at the thought of teaching your child to read...where should you even start?
  • You feel uncertain about whether you're capable of teaching your child at home...will this take special skills you don't have?
  • You're worried about wasting time or money on a program that won't work for your child...what if it fails?
  • You feel guilty you're not doing enough to help your child prepare for is so busy, how can you fit in one more thing?
  • You're frustrated because you've tried to teach your child in the past, but nothing has worked...why aren't they making progress?!

If you feel like this, you're in the RIGHT place!

P.L.A.Y. READING is the step-by-step plan you need to achieve your goal of teaching your child to read at home.

And don't worry, you don't need an education degree to do this...that's what I'm here for!

I created this program so you can take your child from a non-reader to a STRONG reader in about 15 minutes a day...

...that's the same amount of time as an episode of their favorite show!

By the end of this program, your child will be able to read AND spell fluently, giving them a head start to success in kindergarten & beyond!

Watch this 4-year old read a book with ease!

Just imagine...

  • Your child walking into kindergarten with a head start in reading, feeling confident and excited to learn
  • Your child effortlessly reading their favorite books, gaining a love for learning that lasts a lifetime
  • The joy of watching your child proudly reading to YOU, knowing you're the one who helped them get there
  • An awesome parent-teacher conference, where the teacher gushes about your child's academic progress AND thanks you for setting them up for success!
  • Sleeping peacefully at night knowing you're doing everything you can to teach them to read, using the most-to-date methods recommended in 2025

All of this (and MORE!) is possible with P.L.A.Y. READING!

This course is based on my unique framework for teaching reading called P.L.A.Y.

P.L.A.Y. stands for:

  • P: Phonological & Phonemic Awareness
  • L: (Oral) Language
  • A: Alphabetic Principle & Print Knowledge
  • Y: Yet...the Power of a Growth Mindset

Don't know what those terms mean yet? That's okay!

In this course, you'll learn about each area of P.L.A.Y. and how they work together for reading success!

You'll also learn my proven 3-phase system that will get your child reading even BEFORE they learn all of their alphabet letters:

  • Phase 1: Hear the sounds in spoken words (Phonemic Awareness)
  • Phase 2: Match those sounds to printed letters (Letter Sounds)
  • Phase 3: Read and spell words with those letters (Blending and Segmenting)

Let's take a closer look at what's included in P.L.A.Y. READING, which is actually 4 programs in one:

  • Phonemic Awareness with 2- & 3-sound words
  • All 26 alphabet letters (consonants & short vowels)
  • Reading and spelling simple words
  • Best for 3 & 4 year olds
  • Phonemic Awareness with 2-, 3-, & 4-sound words
  • All 26 alphabet letters (consonants & short vowels) PLUS digraphs, blends, heart words, & open syllable words (long vowels)
  • Reading and spelling more complex words & sentences
  • Best for 4 & 5 year olds
  • 20-ish minute pre-recorded virtual storytimes with Ms. Erin & Betsey
  • Builds vocabulary, background knowledge, and other early literacy skills
  • Include printable activities for each book read in storytime
  • One new storytime added each month for the entire year of 2025!
  • 5 modules on the Science of Reading
  • Bonus module on Executive Function
  • Just for those who are SUPER interesting in learning about the Science of Reading

Enroll in P.L.A.Y. READING and get your little one on the road to reading!

These features make implementing this course a breeze... you won't have to spend another minute looking for reading help online.

Messages from real families like yours who are using this course to teach reading:

Enroll in P.L.A.Y. READING and make life easier for yourself!

You might be thinking...

"This all sounds great, but...won't my child learn to read in school?"

I understand where you're coming from! I'm a teacher and so are many of my friends, and I LOVE elementary schools!

But here's the truth...

69% of America's 4th graders are NOT proficient in reading according to standardized tests in 2024.

And the fact is there's almost a 90% probability that a child will remain a poor reader at the end of the 4th grade if the child is a poor reader at the end of 1st grade.

Don't wait & watch your child fail.

Put yourself in the driver's seat and make sure they learn correctly at home in a fun, play-based way!

Trust me, your child's teacher will THANK you!

If you're ready to...

  • Say goodbye to confusion about teaching your child to read


  • Say hello to clarity and a step-by-step plan...

...then now's the time!

This course is PERFECT for you to teach your child at teaching degree required!

Your child CAN learn to read this year, and you're doing everything you can to ensure they don't end up in that 69% of failing 4th graders.

Check out this 4 year old spelling like a pro!

Woohoo! Everyone loves BONUSES!

It gets even BETTER!

When you enroll in P.L.A.Y. READING, you'll also get a FREE Month in my kindergarten readiness membership, Learn and Play to K!

I co-host this membership with my good friend, Dr. Calli Studebaker, a pediatric occupational therapist & kindergarten readiness expert.

Together, we help prepare your child for kindergarten in a holistic way!

For your FREE month, you'll receive...

  • A total of 50 play-based activities for math, literacy, fine motor, gross motor, sensory, social-emotional development, and MORE!
  • Zoom training and Q&A session with Calli, Erin, and a guest expert

Meet the teacher behind the course!

I'm a certified teacher with my master's degree in Early Childhood Education.

I have over 15 years experience teaching kids from ages 2-8, both in-person and online, and I spend my days researching the best ways to teach kids to read (it's my passion!)

I'm also a wife and mom of two kids. My son is now in 1st grade, but back when he was 3, I was frustrated that I couldn't find the right program to teach him to read in a fun, hands-on way.

After lots of trial & error, I figured out the BEST way to teach him at home, and my son started his first day of kindergarten feeling confident and proud because of his strong reading skills (and he continues to read and write well-above grade level).

Now I've taken all that I used with him and turned it into a course for YOU!

I truly believe teaching your child to read is the most valuable gift you will ever give them...not to mention they learn the MOST from you!

You know them BEST!

Let's combine my knowledge of teaching reading with your love & passion for your child to make reading feel like MAGIC!

Is this course right for you?

You'll LOVE this course if:

  • You have a child around ages 3-6 who is learning to read
  • You want to teach your child to read at home
  • You want to support what your child is learning in school OR you homeschool your child
  • You want to inspire your child to LOVE reading and give them the BEST possible head start to success!

This course is NOT for you if:

  • Your child is already reading and writing independently past a kindergarten level
  • You want someone else to teach your child to read
  • You don't have the time or desire to implement the steps in this course
  • You think it's only the school's job (not the parent's job) to teach reading

Hear what other happy families are saying!


1. What if I have no background in education? Can I really do this?

YES! Absolutely!

You don't need any experience teaching reading to complete this course...that's what I'm here for!

I will teach you everything you need to know to teach your child based on the Science of Reading. You will be AMAZED at their progress!

2. I'm worried this course will contradict what my child is learning in school.

This course is based on the most up-to-date information about how kids learn to read, so everything in it will align with your child's teacher (as long as they are up-to-date with teaching reading correctly)!

If your child's teacher is not teaching reading correctly, you should discuss that with your school.

3. Is my child supposed to watch the videos?

That's up to you!

I've included videos of me introducing each alphabet letter, spelling each high-frequency word, and writing each letter.

You can have your child watch me OR you can teach them yourself by using the scripted lesson plans.

4. What reading skills are you covering?

P.L.A.Y. Quick Start covers: 26 alphabet letters (all consonants and short vowels), 18 high-frequency words, how to read and spell words with those letter sounds

P.L.A.Y. Quick Start Plus covers: 26 alphabet letters (all consonants and short vowels) PLUS digraphs, blends, open-syllables (long vowels), 60 high-frequency words, how to read and spell words with those letter sounds

5. I'm worried my child won't want to work with me at home.

I get it! I homeschooled my son for his 3 year old preschool year, and it wasn't always easy.

BUT...I learned the best ways to work with him and taught him to read that year, which was the greatest gift I could've given him.

Now I'm sharing those tips and strategies with you in the course!

You CAN do this!

6. I'm a teacher/tutor. Can I still enroll?

YES! I'd love to have you join us and use this curriculum in your classroom or with your tutoring students.

There are preschools around the world using this curriculum with their students, which is amazing!

Some classrooms choose to show my videos to their students (so Ms. Erin is the "guest teacher"), while others simply use the scripted lesson plans and printables.

7. Is this course delivered LIVE?

No, everything has been pre-recorded. When you sign up, you get instant access to the ENTIRE program.

8. How long will it take to teach this to my child?

The curriculum is self-paced, so you can go as slowly or as fast as you'd like.

You can also repeat this course as many times as your child needs in order to become a fluent reader.

Are you READY to teach reading at home with ease and joy?

You CAN confidently teach your child to read with P.L.A.Y. READING and set them on the road to success.

One more time, here's EVERYTHING you get when you purchase P.L.A.Y. READING:

  • Science of Reading video trainings where I break down HOW kids learn to read in a simple, easy-to-understand way
  • Scripted Lesson Plans for each letter so you know exactly how to teach your child
  • Videos of ME introducing each letter to your child...just push play and let me do the teaching!
  • Assessments to give at the beginning and end of the program so you can see your child's growth
  • Animal Alphabet Chart, Worksheets, Story Mats, and Cards with the lesson info. printed on the back for easy access
  • Blending Letter Cards and 30+ Boards that you can print and use for blending (reading) practice
  • Sound Mats you can print and use for segmenting (spelling) practice
  • Editable Games so you can have your child practice reading the words that are at their level
  • High-Frequency Word Cards with the info. printed on the back for easy access
  • Videos of ME introducing each high-frequency word...just push play and let me do the teaching!
  • 10+ Phonics Posters for the most common phonics patterns your child needs to learn
  • Word Mapping Activity to help your child read and spell words
  • Handwriting Practice Tips and Writing Page to give your child a chance to develop their handwriting skills
  • Videos of ME introducing how to write each letter correctly...just push play and let me do the teaching!
  • Decodable Books for your child to read at the end of each week
  • Alphabet Arcs to help with letter fluency and automaticity
  • Trackers and Incentives to keep your child engaged with the program
  • Affirmations and Membership Card to help your child develop a growth mindset
  • Editable Posters and Certificate to make this reading journey as much fun as possible for your child!
  • Virtual Storytimes with Ms. Erin and Betsey that are designed to build your child's language and background new storytime added each month in 2025!
  • Science of Reading Deep Dive videos for parents who want even MORE training all about the Science of Reading
  • BONUS: One FREE month inside the Learn and Play to K Kindergarten Readiness Membership, which includes 50 activities AND a Zoom training session!

I don't want you to miss out! Join today!